We recently watched 2 videos in on driving and safety. One video stressed about the dangers of texting and driving. The other pointed out seat belts. Both the videos were able to put out there message clearly.
The video on texting and driving was brutal. It was able to point out the dangers. Show everyday life. Then showed the showed the effects of it. It wasn't very touching.
The video on seat belts took a very opposite approach. It showed a more touching side. The scene seem to be about family. It was the message was meant to say wear your seat belts to see your family another day. The little girl in this video was wearing butterfly wings. Maybe to symbolize life or an guardian angel?
I personally liked both videos. I thought the one on seat belts was used to touch the audience. The one on texting and driving was to horrify the audience to not text and drive. I believe the texting and driving video was a lot more affective.
Posted by
February 28, 2010 at 9:33 PM
Your writing is improving! You did a good job creating paragraphs and commenting on both videos.