This past time a lot has happened. I have made to my senior year. Reached the age of 18. Been able to stay out of trouble. Put a bigger focus on school. I'm thankful to have family and friends who care about me. Especially my mother, without her I probably wouldn't have made it this far. My friends without them I would have died of boredom. I'm really grateful for all my teachers.
I give thanks for making it to these crucial milestones. I've reached my final year of high school, after four years of vigorous work. I'm finally at the biggest checkpoint. One other milestone is I am now 18 which great because now I am an adult and have rights. It's also good because there are a lot of teens who don't get this far. So it means so much that I did. Plus I have been able to keep myself from getting into some trouble. Mainly by keeping a focus on the essentials, and keeping friends who are good and want to succeed at life.
I'm glad I have a family. There are there for me and support me. They also give me that push I need to keep going ahead. I love all my brothers and sisters and as all 11 of us I wouldn't trade for anything. For my mother we fight every once so often, but we manage to get along in the end. She has been able to be mommy and daddy to me. When I didn't have she would find a way so that I had. She may not be the best at times, but she's pretty good.
I happy to have a great line up of teachers this year. They work very hard so that learn and be ready for what's ahead. Because they are dedicated they give me the education I need to improve and grow. They are able to show and teach with what they are really passionate about. So thanks to them for putting in the time.
This past week we worked with i-movie to present a famous artist. Working with i-movie was new to me I wasn't to sure where to start. I should have took the time to go through the tutorial and followed instructions. Its a guy thing we can figure it out. For my artist I chose William Blake. I learned how to make pictures go in the direction I want. I also learned how to set titles, transitions, you know the basics. William Blake was famous for his spiritual art work as well as his poetry. A lot of people thought William to be insane. But in reality he just painted his dreams. William art made you want to try to figure out what is going on. It had so much movement and personality put into it.
My grandfather John D. Lawrence has the greatest influence on my life. My time with him was his last years of his life. He became so sick he had most of his bed bound until he had enough strength to go out. My grandpa J.D. was a very inspirational person. Also he was very wise, and caring. Much of my personality was molded from him. During his last years he taught me many lifelong lessons.
John Lawrence was a minister. He knew ways to reach out to people and catch there attention. He was a big part of church many people adored him. When you encountered his presence you were never left out no matter what was going on. When it came to church if you not able to make it he would come to you and give you the word. He was so inspirational when he talked. He would think of many different ways of seeing your views and his. Always on the positive side.
J.D. was also very wise. Every get stuck with an issue, he'll solve it. He would often have to figure out different ways of bringing the drama torn family back together. He knew how to instill discipline in you if need be a.k.a "the switch". And for some odd reason he knew how to bring out the best in others. Being around him brought security and safe haven from the depressors.
To My Grandfather John D. Lawrence because of you I am the man that stands before the world today.
When we take a look at the economy now it is horrific. Many people are losing their jobs. Others not being able to move up in the world. Some aren't able to find income. The economy has affected me in several different ways. It has increased the bills, takes it longer to get a raise, and hours at work have become scarce.
The economy has put more stress on bills at home. Mainly because my mom is unable to work due to injuries. since she is unable to work any income that comes in goes to the bills. A lot of times I have to help pay them off. Which in turns forces some sacrifices to be made. making me an unhappy camper.
At work it has become harder to get a raise. My raises come every 6 months. Now the economy is so bad my raises take a longer period to come. My employer looks to save more money. They drop pay according to if you are full-time or part-time. It's even bigger when it comes to how many hours there are available to work. It's a pain to pick up extra hours only for the reason that corporate wanted to have some cut backs. The only way to get more hours if someone goes on a leave or vacation.
The most evil character would be the Main guy Macbeth. Macbeth finds out his future and it becomes his desire. He tells of this to his wife Lady Macbeth and They plot to kill so this desire becomes fulfilled. Macbeth then chooses commit more killings in order to keep his secret and for his personal gain.
When Macbeth discovers his fate through the witch sisters. He decides that it needs to be fulfilled. His future foretold was that he would become king. Macbeth's desire drove him to kill Duncan. Which in turn gives him the crown. A powerful motive to gain the throne. Desire brought the fire in his heart to kill.
This was not done single handily though Lady Macbeth assisted in instilling the thoughts of murder into Macbeth's desire. Lady Macbeth pushed the drive to kill Duncan. She put the plot in front of Macbeth. Drove away his thoughts of hesitation by calling him names. So the Factors added to Macbeth ambitions to become king. Duncan was originally was supposed to be the only killed but, Macbeth added the guards to his path ruler ship only because they were potential witnesses. He stated that his reason of killing the guards was rage, because they did not protect the king.
Macbeth's body count goes up once again because people are becoming suspicious of the death's. Only this time Banquo catches on. Macbeth makes the decision to have Banquo killed. He doesn't just stop there he orders Banquo's son also killed because he doesn't want Banquo's generation to take throne. Macbeth's desires are fulfilled and he intends to keep it that way.
So in my defense Macbeth is very sinister of all characters. He kills for his desires. Macbeth doesn't want to get caught because he is afraid of what's ahead so any one that gets on his trail he intends to take them out.